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Tendon stretching

In so doing, the tendons, muscles and soft tissue have to stretch under the weight of the body (as the ideal measure) because of the ever-necessary adjustment to the unevennes of the surface. Also, in order to “overcome” the obstacle, they have to lift the feet and the body thus getting – stronger.


Strenghtening all muscles

When walking on a surface like the Sand-y Natural Walker®, one has to overcome smaller/bigger bumps on one side and immediately after, by descending into the polyurethane foam with entire body weight, stretch and raise the whole body by contracting the muscles of one's of feet and legs. The muscles of feet and legs have to balance all the time during such a walk, thus maintaining the necessary body balance.


Diminished pain, fatigue and improved circulation

The mobility of joints in feet and ankles increases and the muscles of feet and legs are strongly activated. This strongly activates the “muscle pump” which rushes the blood from the capilaries and venules in the feet towards the broader veins in the legs, in the direction of the heart.

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Helping with growth and development

Preventive and therapeutic clinical application of this medicinal surface would be beneficial to all children over one year of age (as soon as they can walk) until the end of their growth, regardless of possible foot pathology, and even more so for those who suffer from a foot deformity, with reccomendation of the appropriate specialist, of course.


"We wish you well, particularly good health at any moment and at any place wherever you are"

Recommendation for use sandy step factory ®:

We recommended exercises of walk on sandy step factory ® whenever you want 2-3 times a day
5-10 minutes (barefoot or in socks). The first improvement is in diminutioning of pain and tiredness
in feet and legs.

It is accomplish because of:

  • improving its circulation
  • stretching of shortened and tightened soft tissue of feet (tendons, joint capsule and nerve-vessel structures)
  • with massage of reflex zones in feet soles

shematski prikaz spajanja sobne plaže Because of all forementioned, it is assigned, how many to children an adolescent, more of that to adult persons. Standard product consist of three pieces (in total 150 x 50 cm) and is comfortable an sufficient for walking also in some homes lack of space. It is possible to enlarge it in unlimited surface-path.

This is possible connecting particular pieces (50 x 50 cm) with simple
'U' junctions (which are put into for it provided places /three on every side/ please – see the drawing left).

The path is built of selfextinguishing two-component polyurethan and with no practical need to any special maintenance (antistatic!) and it is olmost of unlimited durability.

It simple design and manufacture, junction and, after use, depositing, guarantee simple usage for whole familly, team, school class, any group …

The first purpose of sandy step factory ® is in prevention:

  • to stimulate natural growth and development of a child's feet from the first steps to the end of growth
  • to improve circulation in feet and legs
  • to strengthen weak and stretch shortened muscles of the feet and legs
  • to increase our energy and enhance the bioenergetic cover of the body (so-called aura)
  • as reflexotherapy device (improves functioning of many internal organs)
  • to stimulate skin proprioceptors of the feet and to improve body posture and balance.

The best therapeutic result in flat feet (Pedes planovalgi) is accomplish with combination of exercises on sandy step factory ® and with utilisation of corrective orthopaedic insoles (and/or orthopaedic corrective shoes in smaller children).

M.Sc. Aleksandar Stošić, M.D.orthopaedic surgeon and inventor