Preventive-corrective medical walking path SAND-y NATURAL WALKER ®
It should be emphasized that the problems and difficulties with feet are ever note present, and that any attempt of their preventive-therapeutic treatment, especially a successful one (like for instance the Sand-y Natural Walker®) is more than welcome!
This should be stressed because all the adverse factors leading up to these difficulties (sedentary life with little movement, the greater use of aids/machines with less and less manual labor, walking on flat and hard (unnatural!) surfaces/terrains, often inadequate shoes and various relatively spread diseases like MS, CP) are still present.
It should be emphasized that very few efficient universal methods which could be applied where it is most necessary are currently used for preventive – thereapeutic purposes. Due to these premisses, it could be said for the Sand-y Natural Walker®, without any exaggeration, that finally an orthopaedic medical aid immitating a natural surface (a beach) has been created!
But also that this has been done so simply, so that anybody can use it according to their wishes/needs (strictly individually), and it was meant for use in (every family) homes, kindergartens, schools, fitness centers, hospitals, sports halls, rehabilitation centers, offices and anywhere where care is given to the health of a larger group of people (universality of application).
It is not irrelevant to mention the thus far observed quality of the product, long term maintenance of its functional properties and minimum maintenance requirements through recurrent use and use by different people, the simplicity of assembly/breakup and disposal. It also has the properties (today standard requirements) of material self-extinguishment and protection from radiation.
"The Basis of Health is in the Feet!"
With an innovative work we make sandy step factory ® an innovative product which is registered in Croatia (M980187; D20070006) and in the USA (US D571,917S).
The path is built of selfextinguishing two-component polyurethan and with no practical need to any special maintenance (antistatic!) and it is olmost of unlimited durability.
Standard product consists of three pieces (in total 150 x 50 cm) and is comfortable and sufficient for walking in every home, work-place, in schools and kindergartens, fitness centers, recreational and sports fields and centers, swimming-pools, hospitals, rehabilitation centers and spa areas, boats, buses, trains, airplanes and more.
It won a golden medal and a special diploma at the
world exhibition of innovations EUREKA 2001 ( Bruxelles )
It won the SILVER and BRONZE MEDAL at the largest America’s Invention show - INPEX 2010
MS.c Aleksandar Stošić M.D., a specialist in orthopaedics and innovator